Jay will return to the Wellington Studio (in Woodward St.) on a monthly basis for the foreseeable future, please check the online calendar frequently. Next visit: 20th - 27th of February 2025 - see you then again soon!
* The studio will be hygienic at all times and all surfaces cleansed thoroughly between each client. To avoid cross-over of clients, we will ask that you arrive for your treatment just a couple of minutes before your treatment time, so to avoid waiting in the waiting area.
* If you feel safer, please bring a mask to wear during your treatment, we will use PPE as required.
* We will ask you to avoid touching any surfaces & to make use of the hand sanitiser we're providing.
* Please stay away from the studio for another week, shall you show any signs or symptoms of a cold or flue or had been recently diagnosed with COVID-19, this is to protect us, thank you. 🙏
In other News:
Jay has started to offer his full suit of services from Miki D's Gym in Nelson. A nice tranquil space within a great location awaits you, please come and visit again soon for your next session!
Jay will continue to be available for online coaching sessions (Neuro Linguistic Programming) via Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
Please feel free to call / txt / email us if you need any support!
If you would like to support the continued existence of our business, you can support us by purchasing treatment vouchers in advance - these will be valid until the end of 2024. You can purchase your treatment voucher now & make a direct payment via PayPal from our website! http://beingone.co.nz
Please take good care of yourself and each other during these challenging times & remember all the good tools we've given you over the years to build resilience & strength. Tip: Recent research on Dandelion Leaf has revealed to block Covid spike proteins! Neem Leaf Extract, Olive Leaf Extract internally taken & Tea Tree Oil (as an external antiseptic) are all naturally anti-viral! Also, Beta-Glucans, mostly found in Reishi, Shiitake and Maitake mushrooms are powerful immune-enhancing modulators (act as adaptogens) and can strengthen your entire immune system preventatively, as well as sufficient intakes of Vit. D, Zinc, Vit. C, Ginger, Garlic and Probiotics. Other supplements with immune-boosting properties are: NAC, L-Glutathione, Quercetin, Astragalus, Black Elderberry, Andrographis, Selenium, Liquorice, Turmeric (Curcumin), B complex vitamins, Echinacea, Propolis & my all-time favourite herbal tea: Jiaogulan (Gynostemma Pentaphyllum) - but it's best if you do your own research to find out more.
Much Aroha to you all, we look forward to seeing you again soon. Thank you! Be well! Kia Kaha from: Jay 🙏